Fuel Switch from Oil to Coal
Energy Partners identified the opportunity to significantly reduce steam costs for the Ceres Fruit Juices facility in Wadeville, by switching the primary boiler fuel from HFO to Coal. A reconditioned package boiler was sourced and installed, together with EP’s proprietary boiler control system, which incorporates remote monitoring.
Nominal Power : 8T/h boilers
Technology Used : Reconditioned fire-tube boiler, with EP’s advanced boiler control system with online monitoring
Funding Option : Multi-year steam outsource agreement, whereby EP owns, operates and maintains the boiler plant and sells steam to the client on a Rand/ton basis
Location : Wadeville, Gauteng
Commissioning Date : 2014
“Significant savings have been realised without large preceding capital expenditure. In addition, the new boiler operations have not been a distraction of plant management, allowing everyone to focus on their core functions.”
Piet Burger – Supply Chain Executive