Increased Cooling Capacity
In April 2011, barely four months after first requesting large-scale refrigeration capacity from Coolmac, GOGO Fruit threw the switch on two 880-bin de-greening rooms, one 480-pallet holding room and two 102- pallet forced- cooling rooms. At the time, it was one of the largest inland refrigeration plants in the country
Project Size : 2400kWr installed capacity: it has the capacity to put 600 pallets of citrus through that process every 96 hours and store an additional 1 250 pallets
Technology : SA's first inland Steri-Cold facility
Funding Option : Turnkey
Location : Loskop Valley, Limpopo
Commissioning Date : 2011
“Since the GOGO facility came into being, farmers’ shipping problems are a thing of the past. Our customers know that within a day of bringing their fruit to us, it will be safely in cold storage at the correct temperature.”
Johan Coetzer – General Manager