Atlantis Foundries, Energy Partners unveil massive solar project amidst renewed load shedding

With load shedding once again disrupting industries across South Africa, Atlantis Foundries and Energy Partners unveiled an impressive embedded solar generation plant in a ceremony attended by the City of Cape Town’s Executive Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis. Cape Town,...

AECI’s 4MW solar park powers a greener future with Energy Partners

AECI commissioned a 4MW solar park at its Modderfontein site, partnering with Energy Partners as the supplier for this sustainable energy solution. The project marks a significant step in reducing the company’s reliance on the national grid, improving energy...

Solar Skyscraper: Making the impossible possible

Business Day interviewed Energy Partners' CEO, Manie de Waal, about the groundbreaking Metalbox installation – South Africa's first solar facade skyscraper.Manie shared behind-the-scenes insights into how Energy Partners transformed the iconic Metalbox building with...

Energy Partners unveils South Africa’s first solar facade skycraper

Fairvest Limited’s Metalbox skyscraper is “history in the making”, a landmark in sustainable architecture and testament to engineering innovation.   Energy Partners, in collaboration with Fairvest Limited, has set a new standard in sustainable architecture with the...

Cutting-edge hybrid power system takes Heidelberg Mall 100% off-grid

Energy Partners (“EP”), a pioneer in South Africa’s energy solutions sector, has successfully delivered a 3.2 MWp, 3.1 MWh hybrid power project for the Futuregrowth Community Property Fund (“Comprop”) owned Heidelberg Mall in Heidelberg, Gauteng. The project ensures...

Evaluating Eskom’s bold turnaround claims: what SA’s C&I companies need to know

​Arguably, the most talked-about point to emerge from this year’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) was that ‘the end of loadshedding is finally within reach’. Since then, the assertions of President Ramaphosa have been referenced extensively by Eskom, which has made...

Kimberly-Clark, Energy Partners sign PPA for one of Cape Town’s largest rooftop solar systems

​​​​​   Kimberly-Clark (K-C), one of the world's leading manufacturers of personal care and hygiene products and owner of household brands such as BabySoft®, Kleenex®, Kotex® and Huggies®, has signed a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with integrated...

Accelerating South Africa’s automotive industry to Net Zero: The embedded generation imperative

As the world races to net-zero emissions by 2050, the global automotive industry is at a crossroads, facing the unprecedented challenge of rethinking strategies, cultures and products as it navigates the complex landscape of decarbonisation. Industry stalwarts such as...

Atlantis Foundries’ CEO outlines factors behind innovative PPA

“At the end of the day, we decided that we’re good at manufacturing castings, not creating electricity – that’s not our function. We’d rather buy it than manage it.” Pieter du Plessis, CEO, Atlantis Foundries South Africa’s automotive industry faces serious...

Servitisation can unlock capital and build food production resilience in ‘interesting times’

Almost 60 years ago, on 6 June 1966, a young Robert F. Kennedy told an audience at the University of Cape Town, “There is a Chinese curse which says, ‘May he live in interesting times.’ Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and...